Black & White Fine Art Architecture Photography

Course Info

  • Transform ordinary architecture photo into fine art in black & white

  • Learn to create technically strong and stunning architecture photo.

  • The course is conducted by Mr Jeffrey Wong (FPSS)

  • +10 hours conducted over 2 days, covering theory, practical and photo editing.


  • Participants must be able to use the camera effectively to create technically correct exposed images

  • Participants must be able to use Photoshop’s adjustment tools e.g. correct the tone and contrast of the images, use of layers, and masking technique

  • Participants must bring their own laptop fully loaded with Photoshop, at least with CS7 version and above

  • Participants must bring their own digital camera and tripod.


  • $68:  SC/PR 50 years & above (after NSA subsidy)
  • $272: PSS Member
  • $340: Non PSS Member
  • This is a SkillsFuture Credit-eligible course


  • Day 1: Sat 4 Jan 2025 (2pm – 6pm)
  • Day 2: Sat 11 Jan 2025 (8am – 11am) Photoshoot
                Sat 11 Jan 2025 (1pm – 5pm) Editing


*Must have completed Digital Basic Photography (Foundation) Course. Participants must bring their own camera and tripod. Minimum six participants to start a class and limited to ten participants only.

If you’re a Singapore Citizen/PR aged 50 years and above, you are eligible for the NSA subsidy that covers 80% of fees.
Please fill up the registration form and we will apply for the subsidy on your behalf.

All fields must be filled, incomplete forms will not qualify for the subsidy.

If you’re a Singapore Citizen and have SkillsFuture Credit, you may utilise it for the balance 20% fee payment.

Do not make any payment if you would like to use your SkillsFuture Credit claim for the balance 20% fee payment.

Registration Form

    Course Name* (required)

    Course Date (DD/MM/YYYY)*

    Name as per NRIC* (required)

    Contact Number* (required)

    Email* (required)

    PSS Membership*

    NRIC number* (required)

    Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)*




    Postal Code*

    Highest Level of Education*
    No Formal EducationPrimarySecondaryPost SecondaryDiplomaBachelor's DegreeMasters/DoctorateOthers

    Work Status*
    Employed Full-TimeEmployed Part-TimeSelf-EmployedHomemakerRetired

    Preferred Mode of Payment*
    SkillsFuture CreditPayNowBank TransferPayPalCredit Card